Gunta stölzl wikipedia

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    Women of the Bauhaus: Gunta Stölzl (1897-1983)

    Even as a young girl, Adelgunde Stölzl carried her sketchbook everywhere.

    Gunta stölzl wikipedia

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  • On long hikes in the mountains around her hometown of Munich, she sketched landscapes and farmers with their livestock. The young artist would continue that discipline throughout her life, and her accompanying writings served as a valuable insight into her creative mind.

    She continued her love of the arts as a young woman at the Kunstgewerbeschule (School of Arts and Crafts), where she studied decorative and glass painting, ceramics, and art history. Even as a nurse during World War I, she filled the pages of her journals while serving on the Italian and French fronts.

    Upon her return from the war, Gunta Stölzl, as she was then known, decided to apply to the Bauhaus, whose non-traditional ideals of openness and exploration she found intriguing.

    However, she soon realized that women were not welcome in all classes and often relegated to what was considered “wom