Inge auerbacher holocaust survivors

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    Still bearing witness: Terezin survivor shares her story

    Photo/Mike Lovett

    Terezin survivor Inge Auerbacher spoke with Mutiara Carney '22

    By Mutiara Carney '22Feb.

    Inge auerbacher holocaust survivors

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  • Inge auerbacher holocaust survivors photos
  • Holocaust concentration camps
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  • Inge auerbacher holocaust survivors pictures
  • 3, 2020

    Inge Auerbacher was seven years old when she was deported from her home in Kippenheim, Germany to the Terezin Concentration Camp. She spent three years in captivity before being liberated from the Nazis by the Soviet Army in 1945.

    Seventy-five years later, she continues to share her story. 

    When I met Ms. Auerbacheron Jan. 28, she was preparing to gather with students and faculty in the Shapiro Campus Center Theater to share her memories as a child survivor of the Holocaust.

    Her visit to Brandeis – which was organized by Brandeis Hillel, Chabad at Brandeis, the Center for German and European Studies, and Together Restoring Their Names– corresponded with the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

    Auerbacher had just arrived at Brandeis from