Freud biography timeline project

  • Freud biography timeline project
  • Timeline.

    1859 - The economic crisis ruins Jacob's business. The family settles in Vienna, in Leopoldstadt, the Jewish neighborhood (February 1860).

    1865 - Sigmund is admitted to the Gymnasium (secondary school) a year ahead his time.

    1870 - He receives Ludwig Borne complete works; reading these books will influence him greatly.

    Freud biography timeline project

  • Freud biography timeline project
  • Freud biography timeline project management
  • Timeline
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  • Where was sigmund freud born
  • 1872 - He returns to Freiberg to spend his holidays.

    1873 - He receives a summa cum laudae award on graduation from secondary school. He is congratulated on his style in German. He is already able to read in several languages.

    Under his colleague's Heinrich Braun influence, he plans to study law but finally decides in favor of medical school, after having attended a lecture on Goethe's essay On Nature.

    Freud biography timeline project management

    Start his studies at Vienna University.

    1874 - While at university, he discovers anti-Jewish prejudices and declares his place is "with the opposition". Attends Brentano's lectures.

    1875 - Travels to Manchester, Britain, to see Philippe and his niece Pauline