What was ruby bridges accomplishments
What was ruby bridges accomplishments
Ruby bridges!
5 Major Accomplishments of Ruby Bridges
When one discusses the long, ongoing battle for civil rights in the United States, one has to bring up the life and accomplishments of Ruby Bridges.
Over the course of her life, there is no question that Bridges accomplished a great deal. If you are going to study the life and achievements of this woman, you will want to go back over sixty decades. While she is known for one major accomplishment in particular, there are several other things that Ruby Bridges has achieved in her life that are worth keeping in mind.
She Was The First African American To Go To An All-White School
For some, it is amazing to consider the notion that at one time, the idea of bringing white children and black children together in a single school was unthinkable.
What was ruby bridges accomplishments list
Such a thing is the social and cultural norm now, but there was a time in history in which that wasn’t the case. The barrier had to be broken. The only tragedy about the fact that Ruby Bridges was admit