Christine pelosi sexual harassment
Christine pelosi sexual harassment
Christine pelosi sexual harassment scandal!
Pelosi’s daughter shakes up California harassment debate
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Christine has taken the spotlight in the sexual harassment scandal enveloping California’s Legislature with her claim there are rapists in the state Capitol and lawmakers are protecting them.
The younger Pelosi, chair of the California Democratic Party’s women’s caucus, produced gasps Tuesday when she made the statement at a legislative committee hearing on state sexual harassment policies.
While many testified, sometimes angrily, about a dysfunctional system they say protects the powerful and encourages silence from victims, Christine Pelosi’s comments stood apart for their bare-knuckle boldness.
They struck a nerve, with some taking to social media to express incredulity or to call on Pelosi to provide more information.
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