Ronald reagan family and children
Ronald reagan family and children
Ronald reagan brothers and sisters.
Ronald Reagan: Family Life
President Reagan's typical day began with his arrival in the Oval Office at 9a.m. His briefing on national security affairs occurred shortly thereafter, usually lasting fewer than thirty minutes.
Reagan usually worked in the office until a little after 5 p.m. and then returned to the residence quarters. During the course of his day, he typically had two hours of "personal staff time" during which he relaxed with aides, napped, and replied to some of his massive correspondence.
Ronald reagan family tree
On several occasions, Reagan responded to letters from people who had fallen on hard economic times by sending a personal check. He often ate dinner with Nancy in front of the television and spent the evening reading fiction or watching television.
Throughout his public life, Reagan believed it was a mistake to equate long work hours with effectiveness. "Show me an executive who works long, hard hours, and I'll show you a bad executive," he said in response to a question about hi